Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wurde eingestellt am 2021-09-23. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für eine bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features nimm ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise vor. Wende Dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe beim Upgrade zu erhalten.

Downloading your license for GitHub Enterprise

You can download a copy of your license file for GitHub Enterprise Server.

Enterprise owners can download license files for GitHub Enterprise Server.

About license files for GitHub Enterprise

After you purchase or upgrade a license for GitHub Enterprise from GitHub's Vertriebsteam, you must download your new license file. For more information about licenses for GitHub Enterprise, see "About licenses for GitHub Enterprise."

If you'd like to renew or add user licenses to GitHub Enterprise, or if you have questions about your license, contact GitHub's Vertriebsteam. Ihre neue Lizenzdatei steht sofort nach dem Abschluss Ihrer Bestellung zum Download zur Verfügung.

Downloading your license from GitHub.com

You must have an enterprise account on GitHub.com to download your license from GitHub.com. For more information about enterprise accounts, see "About enterprise accounts."

  1. Navigieren Sie zu GitHub.com

  2. In the top-right corner of GitHub.com, click your profile photo, then click Your enterprises. "Your enterprises" in drop-down menu for profile photo on GitHub Enterprise Server

  3. In the list of enterprises, click the enterprise you want to view. Name of an enterprise in list of your enterprises

  4. Klicke in der Seitenleiste des Enterprise-Kontos auf Settings (Einstellungen). Registerkarte „Settings“ (Einstellungen) in der Seitenleiste des Enterprise-Kontos

  5. Klicke in der linken Seitenleiste auf Enterprise licensing (Enterprise-Lizenzierung). "Enterprise licensing" tab in the enterprise account settings sidebar

  6. Under "Enterprise Server Instances", click to download your license file. GitHub Enterprise Server-Lizenz herunterladen

After you download your license file, you can upload the file to Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instanz to validate your application. For more information, see "Uploading a new license to GitHub Enterprise Server."

Downloading your license if you don't have an enterprise account on GitHub.com

If you do not have an enterprise account on GitHub.com, or if you're not sure, you may be able to download your GitHub Enterprise Server license from the GitHub Enterprise website.

If you have any questions about downloading your license, contact GitHub's Vertriebsteam.