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Using the billing platform

Your account's billing settings apply to every paid feature or product you add to the account. You can manage settings like your payment method, billing cycle, and billing email. You can also view billing information such as your subscription, billing date, payment history, and past receipts.


从 2024 年 8 月 19 日起,GitHub 将开始按各州的规定向美国的付费客户代收销售税(如果适用),以符合行业标准监管做法。 所有美国客户都需要更新付款信息(特别是地址),以确保正确评估销售税金额。 如果你是付费客户,则收据上的税款行将会列出所购买 GitHub 产品和服务的相应税款明细。

请务必填写账单信息中的所有必填地址字段,以确保正确计算销售税。 For more information about updating your billing information, see "Adding or editing a payment method."

If you're exempt from sales tax, you can upload a certificate to your account. See "Adding a sales tax certificate."

About billing on GitHub

Your bill is a combination of charges for your subscriptions, including your account's plan, and usage-based billing.

Viewing your subscriptions and billing date

You can view your account's subscription, your other paid features and products, and your next billing date in your account's billing settings.

Adding or editing a payment method

You can add a payment method to your account or update your account's existing payment method at any time.

Viewing your payment history and receipts

You can view your account's payment history and download past receipts at any time.

Adding information to your receipts

You can add extra information to your GitHub receipts, such as tax or accounting information required by your company or country.

Adding a sales tax certificate

If you're a customer in the United States with a GitHub Customer Agreement and you're exempt from sales tax, you can upload a certificate to ensure the correct sales tax amount is calculated.

Setting your billing email

Your account's billing email is where GitHub sends receipts and other billing-related communication.

Changing the duration of your billing cycle

You can pay for your account's subscription and other paid features and products on a monthly or yearly billing cycle.

Redeeming a coupon

If you have a coupon, you can redeem it towards a paid GitHub subscription.

Troubleshooting a declined credit card charge

If the credit card you use to pay for GitHub is declined, you can take several steps to ensure that your payments go through and that you are not locked out of your account.

Unlocking a locked account

Your account's paid features are locked if your payment is past due because of billing problems.